At the beginning of each calendar month, Goodreads’ crack editorial squad assembles a list of the hottest and most popular new books hitting shelves, actual and virtual.
Readers’ Most Anticipated YA Books of march
As dedicated Goodreaders already know, some of the best and most innovative stories on the shelves come from the constantly evolving realm of young adult fiction.
Readers’ Top 10 Horror Novels of the Past Three Years
Once a year, like creepy clockwork, the culture at large acknowledges the best things in life and unlife: revenants, witches, haunted houses, derelict amusement parks, and nightmare fungal issues.
Horror Experts Recommend Terrifying Tales
If you want to find a quality scary story, it’s always a good idea to go to the experts. Since the Crypt Keeper is currently in retirement—reposing and decomposing—we’ve found the next best thing
10 New Horror Recommendations for Every Kind of Reader
It’s Horror Month here at Goodreads World Headquarters, and we’ve cooked up several curated collections to honor the genre. We even used a cauldron.
10 Recent Mystery & Thriller Hits to Read Now
For those needing a quick-fix reading recommendation, the books gathered below have two things going for them.
Stay In and Read with 10 of This Year’s Coziest Mysteries
The phrase “cozy mystery” is a useful neologism; it’s the emerging consensus term for mystery stories where the sex and darkness are toned down, and any violence takes place off page.
The Big Fall Nonfiction Roundup
You’ll find a particularly wide variety of fascinating topics this season, including lady poisoners, 19th-century outlaws, sentient volcanoes, dubious cybercurrency initiatives, space aliens, and one
Very Short Books to Finish Your Reading Challenge Strong
We’ve assembled here several dozen Very Short Books for your perusal, the reading of which can do wonders for your overall progress.
90 Recent Books to Read This Native American Heritage Month
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month the bookworm way with this collection of new and recent books by Native American and Canadian/First Nations authors.